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Lake Tsomoriri lies at an altitude of approx. 4,511m and extends over 140 km². Although it is the southernmost and one of the largest lakes in the Changthang region, the surface remains mostly frozen from November to March. The shadows of the surrounding mountains and the varying depths of the Tsomoriri let it shine in various shades of color from jade green, turquoise to deep indigo blue.
The lake forms a huge closed basin, but in contrast to Pangong Lake it is fed by two larger rivers, one from the north and the other from the southwest coming. These form extensive areas with wetlands and many small bays and islands. These are ideal living conditions for nesting waterfowl, including the endangered black-necked crane and the bald goose.
Over the centuries, a third river that flows into the lake has created a fertile plain of alluvial sand, which is managed by the village of Korzok. It is one of the highest cultivated plateaus in the world.
This area is also home to many nomadic peoples who move from one place to the next with their herds of goats, sheep and yaks. The herds are their only property - so each specimen is cared for and cared for by people and always led to the best pasture places depending on the season. After all, the animals provide valuable raw materials.
Wool is spun from the hair to make clothes and ropes, and shoes are made from leather, not to mention milk, fat and meat. All day long, the men and women of the small nomadic communities are busy milking the herds, turning milk into butter, weaving mats or other materials and repairing their tents. The traces of the modern world have completely passed by these people, they still live today in harmony with nature, as they have been practicing for centuries.